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Relofair Website
our motivation

Here to help movers scale sustainably

Our story is one of inspiration, growth, and a commitment to making a positive impact on the world. In all our endeavors, value creation and sustainability are at the core of our mission.

What got us here

In a market as fragmented as the moving industry in the DACH region—with over 2,500 companies operating—innovation has been painfully slow. For the last decades, companies have lacked the resources to invest in R&D, causing the industry to lag far behind others like road freight. While some sectors have embraced the digital age, moving companies often still rely on outdated processes such as emails, phone calls, and Excel spreadsheets for everyday operations.This operational inertia has resulted in a staggering inefficiency: approximately 70% of empty miles on long-distance routes. Customers end up paying not just for their move but also for the empty return journey, pushing operational costs to unsustainable levels for many companies.

Our mission

Relofair is here to modernize the moving industry. Our primary goal is to facilitate automated data exchange between moving companies, drastically reducing empty mileage to sustainable figures—akin to the 25% commonly seen in the road freight industry. We're not here to compete with movers; we're here to enable them. Our platform uses a cutting-edge marketplace and matching algorithm to help companies find the perfect moves effortlessly. Our system operates openly, allowing anonymous data exchange with no barriers to entry, aligning all segments of the industry for efficient and sustainable operations.

Our Vision

We see ourselves as more than a tech solution; we are agents of change. Relofair aims to play a pivotal role in reaching climate goals by automating the reduction of empty mileage. We envision a future where movers can optimize their logistics effortlessly, enhancing not only their profitability but also contributing to global sustainability.

Key Facts: DACH Moving Industry

Empty Mileage Rate


Sunk cost into empty trip p.a. in DACH region


Emitted metric tonns p.a. for empty trips

our motivation

Our Team

Felix Bussmann
COO & Co-Founder
Justin Adam
CEO & Co-Founder